Dragon Dungeon Master Dungeons and Dragons D and D DD RPG Role Playing Game Master table top games

Why Hire a DM?

Because you are one of two kinds of people: those who are new to the game or those who are veterans of the game but need an experienced DM.

I make the adventure about the players. I never have a powerful NPC just show up and save the day. I don’t railroad or plot armor people. Your choices, for better or worse, matter and have consequences. Don’t be surprised if a trivial decision comes back and saves you or bites you in the butt later.


Dungeon Master and Web Mistress

Who are these people?


"Roleplaying is my passion and I am actually really good at it."

"The rule of fun overrides the rules as written." ---Justin



"Of course you should be a professional DM! Look, I already registered your domain name!"​---Mattie